Wednesday, July 3, 2013

To Love and to Research

   Love has to be interpreted or else it means nothing. But how do we interpret is not only coming from the person who tried to think and would got next-to-crazy thinking and recalling each feeling and experience that had happened. It is also how the other led the one who interprets to think and feel that way. Even if we think we don’t know how to love or we think that the only thing we could relate is about us loving ourselves, isn't it that the self has to love you back still for you to totally experience love? Love is more than a word. It is a question but an answer too. It is a relationship.

   Research is more than a word too. We could have so many questions or start questioning everything and start becoming uncomfortable because of so many changes, or inconsistencies, or conflicting ideas revealing before us. But what would that mean if at the end we gain domination and control but still not understand and appreciate nature? What would materialistic naturalism mean if at the end we were not able to participate actively to the process towards transcendence and fulfillment?

  Phenomenology is about being artistic and scientific at the same time. It is a relationship between knowledge and wisdom for us to live well with our self and with others. It is being authentically concern to those who unloaded their stories and not just being concern for their words and then our titles. And it is only in the moment that we start interpreting not just using sensory empiricism and logical rationalism but even with the use of our intuitive discernment that we can make transformation takes place. It would create much difference the moment we communicate not only with the telephone but even through telepathy. This type of research is like profoundly experiencing what love is--- for it is about becoming more sensitive and creative. It is going beyond senses and reasons, just like love.

Monkayo, Compostela Valley

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