Thursday, January 2, 2014

Embrace me, 2014

Goodbye 2013
With all your glories
Laughter and thrill
All the heartbreaks and music
The loss and the gain
Oh, see, hard times don’t last long
But I’m taking bits though
Of what I can have from your 364 days
To cherish and grow from and with
And they shall be mine until I die.
I don’t own those places
Only the memories
And they are enough.
I don’t own the circumstances
But I own my reflection
My dreams, my plans
I own forgiveness.
I own courage.
I don’t own people
But I had learned with them
And discovered experiences and feelings because of them
And I am loving them forever
And I am keeping them in my heart
And yes, I want to know new of them too
And I trust your ways of how you bring my path to theirs
And that excites and humbles me...
And I don’t own words
But from them, I’m spreading the message
Of essence and service
Of hope and peace...
The message of new beginning
Of finding happiness and freedom
While re and co-creating the cosmos
Through the perfect love of Jesus.

 Welcome 2014
With open arms and wandering soul
I am embracing you, gift of time
I am embracing you 2014…
Make me laugh, make me cry
Make me tender, but make me strong
Make me what you want me to be
Make me live more for myself and others.
Welcome 2014
Make me a mirror of love to the world
And day after day, make me fall in love
Here I am, I am embracing you
Make me love more, 2014
I am embracing you
Embrace me too…

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